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Commercial DUI

Los Angeles Commercial DUI Attorney

Many commercial drivers in Los Angeles rely on having their driver's license to support themselves and their families. The legislature has passed restrictive laws regarding DUI cases and your driving privileges. They see that driving in California is a privilege and not a right.

Therefore, to counteract these strict measures, it's crucial to enlist the services of an experienced Los Angeles commercial DUI attorney. Their expertise and knowledge of the legal system will be instrumental in advocating for your best interests and rights in court. 

Reviewing Your Commercial DUI Arrest

When I meet with clients who have been arrested for DUI cases, I make it a priority to understand their unique circumstances and all the essential details related to their lives. This deep understanding allows me to negotiate with the prosecutor effectively, ensuring that my client's best interests are always protected.

 When clients come to meet with me, I aim to educate them on how the system works and what can and can not be accomplished related to their particular case. My commitment to your case is unwavering, and I will do everything in my power to secure the best possible outcome for you.

Knowing the court gives me insight into providing the client with the perimeters of what they are facing and what they can do to assist me in successfully resolving their case.

In my twenty-five years of experience, the main thing the prosecutors and judges look at in any DUI case is how dangerous the client was to the community when they were driving and how difficult they may be in the future.

The more dangerous they perceive the person's actions, the more likely they will require the most severe penalties in their DUI case. In my opinion, job number one for me as a lawyer is to convince the judge and prosecutor that you are not a dangerous person and will never find yourself in this position again.

To accomplish this task, I need to familiarize myself with your personal information related to your job, family, and prior driving and criminal record.

Negotiating with DUI Prosecutor

Of course, it is essential to look at the underlying cause and contemplate such things as how fast you were driving, whether you were involved in an accident, how the police portrayed you related to the field sobriety tests, how your driving was, whether you were cooperative with the police and a host of other factors.

Through years of experience dealing with Los Angeles County prosecutors and judges, I know what swings the pendulum in your favor and will put you in the wrong position. Your lawyer must be honest and straightforward about what you face and what can and can not be done to help you.

CDL DUI Defense Lawyer 

Our DUI attorneys have handled thousands and thousands of DUI cases for commercial and noncommercial drivers. Commercial drivers have a higher level of accountability because of the size of the vehicles they operate; the legal limit for blood alcohol concentration for commercial drivers is 0.04%.

We understand that if you are being charged with driving under the influence as a commercial driver, you have more to lose because driving is how you make your living.

We are here to ensure we can protect your legal rights and get you the minimal penalties possible or get your case dismissed altogether due to any unlawful activity that may have occurred by law enforcement.

As a commercial driver, if you are convicted of a DUI, the penalties you may face are a one-year suspension of your commercial driver's license, suspension of your driving privileges of noncommercial vehicles; probation; community service. Commercial drivers are not eligible for a restricted license.

If you are facing a commercial DUI in Los Angeles County, do not waste any time and contact our DUI lawyers so we can discuss your case and figure out all your available options.

Contact Us Today

Hedding Law Firm is committed to answering your questions about DUI law issues in California and throughout the United States.

I'll privately discuss your case with you at your convenience. All consultations are free, discreet, and confidential. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.
