Chemical Test Refusals in California DUI Cases
Often, for whatever reason, people decide to refuse to take a blood or breath test when the police pull them over and want to arrest them for a DUI.
Refusing a blood or breath test during a DUI arrest is a serious misstep. If you find yourself in this situation, be aware that the DMV will move to suspend your driver's license for a year without any leniency.
That's the worst penalty for refusing to take an alcohol test when police pull you over in Los Angeles County. There is a reason they do that and have such a harsh penalty.
When you get a driver's license, you consent to have the police take your blood or breath if they think you're driving under the influence of alcohol.
So, if you violate that agreement you signed when you got your driver's license, they will take it away from you for a year.

If you're facing a DUI in Los Angeles due to a refusal, you're in for a challenging battle. It's crucial to have an experienced attorney on your side. With 26 years of experience, I can guide you through this complex process and vigorously defend your rights.
I've handled hundreds of these cases and know what the police have to do to get a legitimate refusal DUI to get that year from the DMV taking your driver's license. There will be extra penalties for these refused DUIs in LA County.
This is the time to get an attorney. By refusing to take the test, you've made one mistake. But by seeking legal representation, you can take control of your situation and make informed decisions.
Refrain from compounding that mistake by not getting an attorney by your side who knows what they're doing.
Police Will Read An Admonishment
The police have to tell you and read you an admonishment that says basically:
- if you don't take this DUI breath test or blood test,
- the DMV will automatically take your driver's license away for one year.
Then they have to register and write down what you said in response to that, and they have to sign it under penalty of perjury. So, those are the rules. If they don't do that, then they're not going to be able to get a DUI by way of a refusal.
They might not be able to get a DUI at all because if you refuse and they didn't take your blood or breath, how do they prove that you were under the influence?
Some people say they're told they should always refuse to take the test. Whoever is telling people that is wrong, you technically have the right to refuse to do the field sobriety test. You can restrict their little hand-held device, but you can't refuse to give your blood or breath if they ask you to do that.
So, I think it must be time to let a professional take over and help you if you've been arrested for a DUI because of a refusal because of all of the dire ramifications that come along with that refusal.
Reviewing the Evidence in Your DUI Arrest
The first thing that I do is look to make sure, once I get the police report, that the police did everything the right way:
- they had to read you the admonishment about losing your driver's license for a year;
- they had to allow you to take a blood or breath test.
Unfortunately, some police officers may try to cut corners by pressuring individuals to take a breath test when they actually want a blood test. They may avoid the extra effort of driving to a hospital or police station for a blood test, which can be more accurately analyzed.
They want to avoid driving to the hospital or a police station that can administer a blood test so they can keep it and give it to an expert to analyze.
They find it easier to take a breath test, so they often try to force people to take it. If we can prove that, then that would be inappropriate, and we might have a chance to get your DUI case thrown out or at least the refusal aspect of it.
Reason Why The California Law Are Harsh on DUI Refusal
They are so harsh on these refusals because, without this weapon for the police/prosecutors, they wouldn't be able to get anybody for a DUI. Because if everybody just refused to take the test, they wouldn't be able to prove people were driving under the influence.
So, they've got to have this weapon which says, if you refuse to take that test when the police say they think you might be under the influence, we will assume that you're driving under the influence automatically.
We're going to take your driver's license away for a year, and we're going to convict you of a DUI. You can only get out of that to refute the assumption. This means you can show that you weren't DUI when the police contacted you.
That latter part is tricky because you're usually taken into custody at that time and locked in a jail cell for several hours. So, how are you going to be able to prove that you weren't under the influence?
I have had some clients, believe it or not, who have been able to get a test after the police let them go quickly. However, often, the police do not let you do it, and you can't get a test, and it's tough to dispute that assumption, so you end up with a DUI.
Criminal Defense for Los Angeles DUI Cases
So, in the first place, it's always a bad idea to refuse to take a blood or breath test because the deck is stacked against you in these DUI cases in Los Angeles, California.
In the second place, if you have done that, avoid going in there and handling it yourself.
Get an attorney who has experience with refusal DUI cases in LA County. It's a huge county with 38 courthouses. I've been to every single one.
My name is Ron Hedding. I'm the founding member of The Hedding Law Firm. I stand at the ready to help you.
Pick up the phone. Ask for a meeting with me, and I will do everything in my power to protect your rights, reputation, and freedom, ensuring you feel secure and understood throughout the process.